
Slendermanxreader A fairytale part 21

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A fairytale 
Part 21

8:00 am; Day 1: Festival 
Narrator's point of view 

As the morning sun greeted you through the cracks of the curtains, you joyfully hopped out of bed and readied yourself for a shower. Despite having texting the night away with John, you were more excited than ever to be up an early. You practiced singing through out the whole shower, not caring that your dad might have been asleep. You stepped out of the bathroom in cozy clothes, since you weren't going to get ready until 12 pm, you as well noticed your dad wasn't up yet. "So what to do for a few more hours...?", you wondered. "I know", you gleefully said. You went downstairs to the living room to a small cabinet under the TV, where your father kept all his VHS tapes. You scanned over his dusty collection, hoping something will catch you eye.
As your eyes roamed over the tapes, you couldn't help but notice one particular tape with a small skull taped to the side of it. You pulled the horizontal tape out with curiosity, only to be awe struck from what laid before you. "Wow", were the first words that came to your mind as you read the title. "The nightmare before Christmas... How long has it been?", you were amazed that you forgot about this movie. Ever since you had to live with your grandmother, who was an extremely religious person, she forbade you from watching things that included witch craft (so basically like every Disney and Harry Potter movie) and death in the her house. The mere thought of holding this tape, sent chills up your spine. You had to watch it. As you pushed the tape in the VCR, and turned on the TV, you readied yourself for what was about to show up...  

10:00 am ish

You were amazed with yourself, that you were able to sing along to the whole movie, despite not having watching it for over a decade. "This is Halloween. This is Halloween...", you sang to yourself as the movie ended with the end credits rolling up. "Old man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch...", as you sang the tune, and turned off the TV, you couldn't help but wonder why you found those words sounded so pleasant. You headed into the kitchen, to find you dad already at the table. "Dad?... When did you get down here?", you asked a little spooked.

"About half an hour ago. I said good morning, but you didn't even reply back", your dad said as he drank his morning coffee.

"Oh sorry. I must have not heard you", you said moving around the kitchen to find ingredients for a breakfast meal.

"It's alright. By the way, I can't believe how long it's been since that movie's been played here".

"The one I had on right now? Why? What about it", you were now a little curious.

"The last time it was played... was the last day you and your mother lived here", your dad went quite shortly, but you stood there wanting to know more. He saw your expression, than continued, "Do you remember anything about the last days you were here with me?". 

You stopped what you were doing, and sat across the table facing your dad. You knew deep down in your heart that this "conversation" was going to be brought up sooner or later, but you just never suspected it to be today, of course. You thought long and hard to see if any memory popped up, but nothing really. "Honestly dad, no I don't remember that much. But I do remember walking into the Forrest, but that's mostly about it".

"Has your mother shared to you anything about what happened between us, or that day?", he asked.

You were nervous to speak with your dad about this, how do you explain such things to a parent you have not seen for so long. "She um...she would tell me that you drank a lot... But that's basically about it. She than wouldn't want to tell me anything else".  

"Well she wasn't wrong about that, but there were more complications than that. But regarding back to the forest. Do you remember anything about that?"

"Nope. *Nada."

"Really?", he questioned but mostly seem to question himself. "Ha... I remember it like if it was just yesterday. Your mother and I were arguing, And of course, you knew that wasn't gonna go to well, so we sent you outside to play. Over an hour or half, we checked the backyard and you weren't there. We only saw the gate open." He took a rest there and drank from his coffee cup before continuing, "Of course we panicked, and started calling out your name, and your mother was yelling at me. Pointing out to me that this place was not safe, it was dangerous, and I just could go forever over the things she told me. But then we heard you come in as if everything was alright. You came up to us and hugged us, and then you told us the most strangest story. You told us that you met your princes charming and that he looked like Jack, and all these other things about pumpkin kings and king of the forest. It was bizarre, but I than scolded you, and that's how it all went."

"Hmm... I wish I could remember what i did In that Forest", you told yourself.

"When you do remember, I want you to tell me all about it", your dad said with a smile. After that, you and your dad decided to make breakfast, and by the time you had finished eating it was time to get ready for the festival.   

10 am @ the slender house
Narrators point of view 

"I sure hope you're right about this...", Trender sighed. 

"Trust me, it's all in there!", Offenderman exclaimed.

"Not to loud, Slender might hear us", splendor whispered harshly to his brothers.

"Don't worry about him", offender reassured him, "I saw old Slendy, head out earlier this morning". The three bothers sat around the kitchen table quietly after that, each trying to figure their own role for their plan.

"What I still don't understand", Trender broke the silence, "is that why do I have to go alone in city hall to look for the documents while you two go play in the festival". Trender slumped back into his chair annoyed.

"Because...", offender knew why he wanted to stay back. He wanted to see (y/n) perform tonight, but he couldn't say that. "... I have plans tonight". Trender scoffed at his remark, because he knows his brother's usual intentions. "What?", he barked at his brother.

"You need to get your dick out of your head", Trender crossed his arms, as he stated calmly. This only won him an Offenderman flipping him off and telling him to go screw himself.

"I'll go with you. If it makes you two both shut up", Splendor spoke up, annoyed from his sibling's banter. "If we do this fast we might still be able to go to the festival."

"What about Slenderman? If he finds out were gone, you know how he'll get", Trender said bringing up an issue they were all thinking.

"We don't have to worry about him... I've seen him like this before. He's back to one of his phases, he won't even notice us, and I don't even think he's coming back home any time soon".

"We'll leave once it hits dark", splendor and Trender nodded to each other.

12 pm
Narrators point of view 

John came right on time to pick you up to go to the festival, your dad was going to be there later with Mary, so you and John just left. "I'm so excited!", you exclaimed as you entered the car.

"I'm excited too, babe", he kissed your cheek before he started the car, than he pulled out of the driveway and was off. 

"So, we're does the festival actually take place?", you asked curiously.

"There's a park, that is connected to the Forrest, but there is an area were all the trees have been cleared out, that's big as a high school campus", he said.

"Oh ok... So what are we going to do first?", you pulled his beard, teasing him that he couldn't do anything back because he was driving.

He laughed and tried to pull his head away from your fingers, "Umm... I was thinking we can both walk around first and see if there was anything you like, and from there on we can play some of the games and go some rides or unless you're hungry we can eat". You pulled your hand back and smiled at him. "What?", he smiled back, wanting to know what you were thinking.

"I just think it's umm... a little funny, that you're a little more older that me, and you still want to do things like that with me", you smiled at how cute, the thought of you too, stuck on the Ferris wheel together in the night would be.

"Babe, you should know that even though I act mature..."

"No you don't", you cut in without even thinking, and had the most poker face ever. 0-0

"... Well point is", he continued after he gave you an eyeshot of annoyance, and you giggled it off, "I still act like a kid, and at some points I think your responsible over me".

"Of course I am, babe, you're only like 6 years older than me", you squeezed his cheeks making kissy lips at him. "Who else would take care of you", you pulled your hands back as John parked the car. 

"Well we're here", he said as he turned off the engine.  
Again. Any questions just ask me 

*i don't own the Slendermen people 

chapter 22…
© 2016 - 2024 AlexTheLi0n
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FinlayArts's avatar
This was really good are you going to be continuing it?